Sunday, February 14, 2010

Hayden Giving Fund Brand Revitalization.

Formerly known as Hayden Giving Fund, this new name and logo symbolizes the mission of the non-profit to assist families in achieving their dream of home ownership. The name First Story suggests the many wonderful stories that take place in the journey to achieving one’s first home. The logo, a dandelion, expresses the wonder of this dream come true. Thank you Hayden Giving Fund for entrusting us to revitalize your brand.

Sunday, February 7, 2010

Design that Matters

This is a poster design we created for a conference on justice and relief for the World’s most vulnerable which is currently under development by Ken Wytsma and Matt Smith from Antioch Church in Bend, Oregon. I really appreciate their vision and encouragement to use design to help further a cause to help individuals who need it the most around the world. And on a personal level, this is one of the most satisfying aspects of design—when you can create something both beautiful and meaningful. I also love it when their is no need to provide a rationale or explanation. This visual says it all.